Saturday, July 28, 2007

Floods Threaten Silbury Hill

Sia's Post:

Ancient sites in Britain are under threat from recent floods. The Gardian Unlimited reports that:

...archaeologists and engineers were engaged in urgent discussions on how to save Silbury, after the torrential rain caused further damage to a structure already weakened by earlier floods.

....Silbury is not alone. As well as the human tragedies, the floods have been washing away thousands of years of history, across a swath of central and southern England. Silbury has been unmissable for millennia, but in Hereford, rain has been scouring away parts of a mysterious structure uncovered only a few weeks ago: the Rotherwas Ribbon, a serpentine path surfaced with deliberately burned stones, winding up a shallow hill - slap in the path of an unpopular new road plan.

Additional Links:

Rotherwas Ribbon

Secrets of Silbury Hill

UK Travel Directory - Ancient Britain

They know not and will never know
That our full script is not confined
To that stone space, but stands deep lined
Upon the landscape high and low
Wherein She makes such worthy show.

Here's to all the wild and Pagan places and those who protect them.


Off The Shelf:

A Guide to the Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany by Aubrey Burl

Stone Circles: A Modern Builders Guide to the Megalithic Revival by Robert L. Roy

Art: Painting of Silbury Hill by Darrell Wilson - Available from the Lime Tree Collection

Poem: excerpt from Sacred to the Memory by Thomas Hardy (with some changes by yours truly).

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