This just in: Author Carol Christ will be speaking in San Francisco this November (see notes below). I wish could be there. (1) I enjoy her books, I've always wanted to take one of her tours, and I would love to hear her speak. (2)
To Carol and other Pagan writers and organizers in the U.S. and elsewhere: Join us at PantheaCon next February. 2,000 earthwise folks would love to see you there.
More information about Carol's work, writing and sacred site tours can be found at the Ariadne Institute for the study of Myth and Ritual.
I recommend her many books, as well as her essays, including the essay titled Why Women Need A Goddess. You may also wish to visit her blog.
Speaking Dates & Info for Carol Christ
Friday, November 7, 2008
Carol will be the keynote speaker at a conference at Herchurch in San Francisco on November 7-9, 2008 which will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the publication of "Why Women Need the Goddess." For more information contact Stacy Boorn at
Friday, November 21, 2008
Carol will be speaking from 7-9pm on "Goddess, Ecofeminism, and Process Philosophy: Environmental Ethics in a Different Key" at California Institute of Integral Studies Voices of Wisdom Series.
(1) What is it about San Francisco and the Bay Area that makes it so special? You can leave it, and be happy elsewhere, but you never stop missing that splendid mix of art and cultures, or the natural beauty of redwoods, sage and oak trees we hikers love. For me, as a gardener and a Green Witch, it's delights were many and varied. No other place I know of offers the unique combination of meadows, mountains, wetlands and ocean all within easy reach. Nothing beats and the rich intellectual and spiritual life this area offers to those who live there; as a book lover and an eco-feminist, I can think of few places on earth I love quite so much.
What don't I miss? The traffic, the frantic pace, and the 60 hour weeks, the high cost of living, or the silliness, self obsession, and lack of common sense so often found in many groups and self proclaimed "leaders" who live there (I name no names: if you are from this area you well know who I mean). It was hard to watch the loss of habitat and farmland that got worse every year, also hard to endure the increasing rudeness, brought about by too many people living in too small a space. Thank goodness far thinking Californians saved so much of the open space there while they still could...and they are still trying to save more. If you live there, give them your support.
(2) Carol P. Christ is an Adjunct Professor teaching internet courses in Women's Spirituality at CIIS. A leader in the study of Women and Religion and in the Goddess movement, she is author of She Who Changes, Rebirth of the Goddess, Odyssey with the Goddess, Laughter of Aphrodite, and Diving Deep and Surfacing; with Judith Plaskow she co-edited Womanspirit Rising and Weaving the Visions. She leads Goddess Pilgrimages to Crete through Ariadne Institute
Photo: Pendant from Sacred Earth Designs
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