Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Terry Pratchett and Nanny Ogg - NADWCon Seamstress Guild Stealth Costume Awards

Someone else captured another part of the Seamstress Guild Party Stealth Costume Awards and put it up on Youtube. What you can't hear Mrs. Palm saying as she works to pin the ribbon on Young Greebo is "I don't normally have so much trouble getting it in". Nanny Ogg replies, "I get to take it off".

With those two women on either side of him, you can see why Terry needed the Bursar's frog pills.

The gal who came as Cherry Littlebottom in the outrageous red dwarf costume won for Best NonHuman. Her award gave Terry a chance to tell us all some of the plot from his new book Unseen Academicals. (1)

It was a lovely, funny and enchanted evening. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Towards the end of the convention, at the banquet on Sunday night, Terry announced that this was "The best Discworld convention ever". Wow.

My regards to all who worked so hard (quite literally for years) to make the first North American Discworld Covention a wonderful event. 2) It was a honor to be your colleague and to share in your wonderful company at the con.

NADWCon Maskerade videos can be found here.


P.S. Two Flower won for Best Prop. His luggage was on a motor and moved about the room all evening. The lovely young people who won the Best Couple Award as Moist and Spike were at the convention on their honeymoon.


(1) His next book, which he is writing now, is a Tiffany Aching book and is titled I Shall Wear Midnight.

(2) Talk now turns to the second, which would take place two years from now. (...oh, gods...can I get some sleep, first? I just want to live on my happy cloud for a while).

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