It's Not Nice To Fool (with) Mother Nature:
In the Yes, and...? category today we have this well meaning commentary at Inquirer.net
"...perhaps nature is telling us through these wildfires that it’s resenting the urbanization of mountain and forest areas.
Industrialists have carved out fashionable villages, hotels and resorts and other commercial establishments in areas previously untouched, unpolluted and unviolated.
Nature wants to claim back its lands and is telling man to “just back off” ... or else, man (sic) will get what he deserves. A stern warning from nature."
Gosh....ya think?
Why Should I Care?
Because we can all expect more large scale, destructive fires in our states, as the problems created by global warming, rampant overdevelopment, the water crisis, the strain on both the nation's budget and the National Guard due to the Iraq war, and the population explosion impact us all. As Newsweek notes, wildfires are America's future.
George Carlin thinks we've got it coming. What do you think?
Meanwhile, here is an NBC Update on the CA wildfires and this is one of the better blogs on the subject for those who live in the San Diego area.
Animal Rescue Updates:
One Santa Clarita man suffered severe burns when he went into a burning barn to save a dozen therapy horses at the Heads Up Therapy Ranch. He is at a local burn ward as we speak. Donations can be sent care of the ranch.
The Doghouse blog notes that Approximately 2,000 horses were housed at State fairgrounds, and many of their owners slept in the jockey quarters. According to a CNN story on animal rescue during the fire, some horses were kept in mall parking lots.
Wild birds also need help. According to the San Pedro Press Telegram, "Local wildlife rescuers are making room for injured and distressed animals displaced by fires ravaging the Southland.
In recent days, a few dozen aquatic birds and waterfowl forced from their Malibu home by smoke and flames have landed temporary shelter at the International Bird Rescue Research Center here, with more expected in coming days.
The center opened its doors to both wildlife and domesticated housepets on Sunday, when it began accepting ducks, coots and other winged creatures from a devastated wildlife center in Malibu's fire-ravaged canyons.
The center, staffed by volunteers and run on a shoe-string budget, says it will remain open for the duration...The center received an emergency grant from the International Fund for Animal Welfare to aid operations in coming weeks, and said it is willing to help other animal control authorities care for avian wildfire victims.
Anyone coming across an animal injured or left homeless from recent wildfires is urged to call the WildRescue hotline at (866) WILD-911.
To contact the IBRRC, call (310) 514-2753 or visit www.ibrrc.org."
Companion Animals
The San Diego Humane Society rescue teams continue to care for animals and pets effected by the fire. They offer a short slideshow about the work they are doing, and this update:
As of today, there are 165 animals directly receiving care from our staff at the Mira Mesa High School, down from 200 as people are returning to their homes. The majority of evacuees left are from the Ramona area. A Humane Society veterinarian was also on site today to examine pets and provide health care to any ailing animals.
Welfare checks on animals left in their homes continued today as the areas actively burning decreased. Volunteers and staff visited almost 100 residences and fed and watered over 409 animals throughout the county in Lakeside, Ramona and Jamul.
Some animals are suffering from burns and smoke inhalation. Approximately 20 horses are being treated at the Lakeside Rodeo Ground for fire-related injuries. Unfortunately, there are also many dead animal that were found today and a total count is in the process of being tallied. Our thoughts and well wishes go out to those who have lost their animals in these terrible fires. The San Diego Humane Society does provide pet loss resources for those who have had to say goodbye to their animal friends. Learn more about pet loss support.
Though this is a terrible tragedy, we continue to be encouraged by the surviving animals that we are finding and in our ability to continue to help the community."
Thousands of people are out there, doing the good that's in front of them. How's that for inspiring?
Pet Links:
Pet Loss Support Hotline
Pet Loss: Groups, Books & Links
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Some Prayers for a Deceased Pet
Saying Goodbye To A Pet: Rituals and Memories
(Includes a section on euthanizing pets titled "When It's Time To Let Go"O
Other Links
San Francisco Art Auction - Fundraiser for the Humane Society
Fire Report for the State of California
What to Save From a Fire - From Time Magazine
Too. Many. People.
Funny how we never really debate the issues around population control and the dangers of overpopulation to the planet. Everyone's afraid to touch it.
If I had my way, they would teach this in the schools, beginning in elementary school.
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