Saturday, October 01, 2011

Writing To My Younger Self

A friend's daughter just started college and I wrote her a letter to congratulate her on taking this great leap. I later realized that I was writing to my young self as much as to her: 


Dear -----

I am writing to send my best wishes for your highest good and to wish you many great adventures at college. One thing I learned that helped me back then was that the best and brightest minds learned by falling down and getting up again. Those who never, ever risk, rework and try again never learn how to learn. May you be a Learner and a Doer like your amazing Mom, and may you find joy, both in your own unique path and in working with other good minds and hearts.

I hope that the your process is as rewarding as reaching the goals you've set for yourself.  Don't be surprised if your road takes a few, unexpected turns. Over the years, I've found that the the most interesting and creative people make left turns when they least expect it, so now, when I hit a wall, I turn left. ( I used to dig a rut, furnish it and move in, but I got better.) I could wish that the universe spoke a bit more clearly at times (a freeway sign? a ticket to Europe?) but that's the way it works for me. I've found that offerings of creativity, attention, dedication and a willingness to question everything we think we know, and to tell our truth to power, can be made on the altar of learning at any time of life. When I listen, and I'm brave enough to make the difficult and compassionate choices, I find that my life and my work are made richer and deeper as a result. I was lucky enough to learn from my mistakes and, better still, I learned not to fear making them. Because of this,  I enjoyed my 20's a great deal, and I now revel in my 50's even more. May it be so for you.

All good things,



School - and learning in a wide variety of ways - has always been the best commitment I've ever made. As she starts down this road, I wish her, and all that young ones out there with her, the strength to ask the questions they need to ask, the courage to deal with the answers and joy throughout. 


1 comment:

Hecate said...
