Friday, March 26, 2010

For the Maidens Among Us

Happy Spring to all here. Today, I would like to share what the talented Cari said about her family Ostara celebration. Excerpt:
We invited balance into our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our spirits, our lives, our relationships and our world. This is not as easy as it sounds, to speak to each of these parts of ourselves and say aloud what we wish for. Yet seeds were planted in our souls as we invited balance to accompany us on our journey.

Do read the rest, see her photo and enjoy her art. You'll be glad you did.


Meanwhile, my soul-sister Hecate reminds us that
We Have To Do More Than Pray, We Have to Follow Through. Enjoy that, then read her glorious essay on Kore
The older that I get (and I am getting deliciously old), in some odd manner, the more that I look forward to Ostara. When I was v young, I was quite desperate to be thought older, experienced, sophisticated, wise. And the holidays that moved me were High Summer, and Lughnasadah, and Samhein. But now that I've lived a long time and figured out, well, a few things, I find myself quite predisposed to love maidens and to look forward to Ostara, when we all celebrate the energy of the Maiden, the Kore, the v young woman who is just OUT There.
She goes further, not just celebrating but helping a young woman who needs her wisdom.

Thank you, ladies, for the inspiration.

Fire, ritual and Nowruz

Lastly, I would like to share how these people celebrate the often-banned holiday of Nowruz, with fire, singing, dancing and hope. May they continue to live in peace with the various religions in their midst and may the women of this place know not just pride, but freedom.

Wishing the blessings and joy of spring to you and yours as we enter this new season.


This post is dedicated to S., a young woman I've had the pleasure of knowing through a volunteer group who is going on to bigger and better things. Bon chance! If I could buy stock in a person, I would always bet on you.

Art: Song of the Nile by L. Goddard

1 comment:

Cari said...

Thank you, Sia, for the link and the nice words. And I especially enjoyed the link to the video of the Norooz celebration; having once lived in Tehran, I have a soft spot in my heart for their festivals, and did not know the fire aspect of this one. So many ways to celebrate spring! A happy one to you.