Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Lady and the Rose

Among the things I value most are music and gardens. I find these two joys beautifully combined in my favorite rose, a floribunda (isn't that a wonderful word?) named after one of the greatest cellists of all time, Jacqueline du Pre. The Garden Hopping blog has a charming post about the lady and the rose named for her. It includes a Youtube video of her playing. Go to that site and listen. Tune out everything else for one brief moment and listen. There was, and is, nothing else like her.

As for me, I'm off to plant this exquisite, sexy and deeply scented rose, which will make me and my bees very happy.

Climbing Roses and Moon Gardens

This year I will also plant an Iceberg rose which will climb my fence. It, too, will offer color and scent for me and pollen for the bees. I used to have one on a tall round pole back at our old place. It was my very own May Pole, and it bloomed for me beautifully beginning in May and going all through summer. For Solstice, I will plant more roses and flowers in my moon garden. Most of my garden now is designed to support our wildlife. We've spent hours removing invasive, non-native species like scotch broom, and I will now put in native plants to give food and shelter for the birds and wildlife who share this beautiful space with us.

Enjoy the video. The lady was something very special, as is her rose.


Related Articles:

Gardens to Come

Beauty and Meaning: Gardening Like a Green Witch

Plants for a Moon Garden

Photo found at Garden Hoping website.

Header w/ poem found at Jacqueline du

Posted in Honor of Pagan Values Month

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about your roses--we're starting from scratch in this new yard, but we had several at our previous home. I do miss our "Constance Spry" climbing rose.

And a moon garden--what a great idea!