Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Alphabet Blocks for Your Budding Mad Scientist

For the very young techno-wizard or witch who has everything.... (1)

A Young Mad Scientist's First Alphabet Blocks:

These lovely blocks contain many carefully engraved illustrations of the equipment, training, and activities that a budding mad scientist will require... Each block measures 1 3/8 inches square and depicts six mad science concepts and the appropriate letters...We don't use any dyes or harmful finishes on the blocks and all of their edges are rounded and smooth.

Both boys and girls are pictured in the images. A complete list of the images represented by the letters is as follows:

A - Appendages
B - Bioengineering
C - Caffeine
D - Dirigible
E - Experiment
F - Freeze ray
G - Goggles
H - Henchmen
I - Invention
J - Jargon
K - Potassium
L - Laser
M - Maniacal
N - Nanotechnology
O - Organs
P - Peasants (with Pitchforks)
Q - Quantum physics
R - Robot
S - Self-experimentation
T - Tentacles
U - Underground Lair
V - Virus
W - Wrench
X - X-Ray
Y - You, the Mad Scientist of Tomorrow
Z - Zom

My thanks to Fyrehawk for the link.



Xylocopa also offers hand-made beads, paper products and jewelry.

Please note: I do not receive any compensation from vendors or anyone else for mentions on this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Even kids alphabet blocks are cooler now than when I was a kid... I need a budget worthy of my younger self/inner child's tastes!

Although I must admit you show much more restraint than I. Had I posted a similar post at my place I would be sorely tempted to end it with...

"Please note: I do not receive any compensation from vendors or anyone else for mentions on this blog; not that I would be adverse to doing so, it's just that I have yet to receive any offers."
