Friday, November 16, 2007

The Daily Show Writers Explain The Strike To Us

From the Raven Series - Copyright held by The Ink Witch

Issues surrounding the Hollywood writers strike are many, varied and complex. Thank goodness we have the Daily Show folks to explain it all.

Speaking of writers and writing, you might also wish to read Anne Hill's post titled Women Publishing.

Update 11/6:

The Daily Show Archive - How It's Changing The Way We Watch TV
Excerpt from article:

A five-year-old episode of The Daily Show is pure gold...a fact made plain by the launch of the show's new Web site last month. Before, seekers of already-aired TDS material had to make do with the limited clips available on the cluttered Comedy Central home page, or try their luck among user posts on YouTube. At the new site, they can search the past nine years of episodes in their entirety—more than 13,000 clips, with tools that allow you to sort by air date, content, number of page views, or viewer rating. It's a library of the show, organized with an archivist's attention to detail and a fan's affection for signature moments.

...Playing around on the Daily Show site, I saw for the first time how the Web might really change TV—not by streaming a promotional teaser here and there or allowing users to post random screen grabs on YouTube, but by providing searchable online databases of years' worth of content that are updated to include current episodes. When The Daily Show does come back... I may well start watching even new episodes this way: at my desk in the morning, instead of on the couch at 11 o'clock at night. Multiply that defection by the size of the show's fan base and the subsequent migration of advertising dollars from screen to Web, and the writers' demand for a piece of the online action starts to make plenty of sense."

Jon Stewart's Greatest Gay Moments



Art: A print I purchased some years ago at PantheaCon from the lovely Ink Witch

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