Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pagan thoughts on Valentine's Day

It's that time of year again; time for Black History Month, Heart Month & National Bird Feeding Month (1) ...and yeah, there's that other thing.

Last year Vox published Hearts & Flowers: Reclaiming Valentine's Day, an essay about Goddess imagery (both romantic and sexual), alternative ways to celebrate this holiday (especially if you are single), and V Day. The link to H&F is noted above for those who have not already seen it.

Happy V. Day to you and yours,


(1) February is one of the most difficult months for wild birds to survive. I would like to encourage everyone to provide food, water and shelter for our feathered friends.
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1 comment:

Yewtree said...

Happy Valentine's Day & Lupercalia Blessings. V-Day is brilliant.

By the way, you're listed at Pagan blogs - if you feel like linking back, that'd be great.